Red Mills Dog Food

Red Mills

Red Mills has been a family-run business since 1908. With a reputation built on converting fresh and natural ingredients into the most trusted and delicious food for dogs. Our premium dry dog food comes in all of your favourite flavours: salmon, duck, beef, and more! We’ve mixed some of our flavours with delicious carbohydrates to ensure your furry friend has bundles of energy to take on the day ahead whilst also maintaining a healthy balanced diet. You’ll find that our dog food range is labelled differently to tailor specific dog needs including engage, breeder, tracker, and racer meals. Engage dog food is ideal for hard-working dogs as well as new mothers and puppies to provide the nutrition your dogs need for endurance and energy. Breeder Red Mills dog food is specifically for pregnant or lactating dogs and her puppies. Our tracker range provides a lower protein diet specifically for resting or injured greyhounds and Red Mills racer meals are designed to keep up the energy levels for pups, saplings, stud dogs, brood bitches, and racing dogs in training. So whatever needs your canine companion has, we’ll make sure that their tails are wagging and they’re tummies stay full!