Modern Slavery Statement

Last Updated: 11th July 2023


Company Overview

Jollyes is a medium-sized specialist pet retailer with shops in the UK. The foundation for our continued success has been our honest, ethical & fair approach to dealing with our employees, suppliers and customers.

Though the majority of our suppliers are based in the UK, we do source some of our products globally.

We are committed to understanding and mitigating the risks associated with modern slavery in our business and those in our supply chain.

We have reviewed our policies, risk assessments, due diligence and training where applicable internally and we are continuing to work with our suppliers to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our anti-slavery statement is posted on the staff intranet together with all other company policies and procedures. It reflects our commitment to implementing and enforcing effective procedures and controls to minimise the risks of human trafficking and other modern slavery practices infiltrating our business operations and acting ethically and with integrity in all our business activities and relationships. Our policies and procedures ensure that:

  1. Wherever possible, Jollyes will use suppliers with industry accreditation
  2. Wherever possible, we build and develop long-standing relationships with national & local suppliers and make clear expectations of our business behaviour
  3. Where we use national or international supply chains, we aim to partner with a UK company. We expect these entities to have sustainable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies & processes

Also posted on the staff intranet is the employee code of conduct and grievance policy to ensure any issues noticed by staff are reported appropriately.

We are working collaboratively with our supply base to ensure that indirect suppliers are acting ethically and have effective controls and procedures to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place.

We have undertaken a group-wide risk assessment to highlight areas of vulnerability and where applicable, we are working to strengthen our processes in any areas highlighted.

We have updated our standard terms and conditions to reinforce our commitment to this policy with all our suppliers. The wide range and the breadth of parts of our supply chain means that Jollyes insists that any supplier who wishes to carry out business with us agrees to these standard terms and conditions.

Any examples of non-compliance will be reviewed by the executive board and appropriate action taken.

All staff are made aware of Jollyes’ commitment to the Modern Slavery Act in their induction.

As part of the standard terms and conditions in place with all suppliers, all parties in our supply chain are made aware of their responsibility to control the risk of slavery and human trafficking in their own supply chains.

Any suppliers not deemed low risk must be part of an internationally recognised accreditation scheme, e.g. BRC.

Jollyes collaborates with all relevant trade associations and government agencies to make certain we are up to date on all issues related to slavery and human trafficking.

The board of directors will review and assess compliance with the Act each year. Any updates or refinements to the statement will be made annually and published on the Jollyes website.

The board of directors approved this statement.

Joe Wykes

Chief Executive Officer

11th July 2023