Reduce appetite.
Increased thirst
Pale gums
Yellowing of gums and skin (jaundice)
Excessive salivation
Breathing difficulty
Inability to walk.
Muscles going rigid.
Do not let your dog swim in or have any contact with lakes and ponds that you know, or think might contain blue-green algae. Take extra care to avoid them in the summertime when temperatures are warmer.
Never let your dog drink from water sources that may contain blue-green algae. When on walks, take fresh water in a container for them to drink so that they don't get thirsty and drink from anywhere else.
Take note of signage when out and about, lots of places will have signs up if blue-green algae have been identified. Look at local websites to check for any updates on areas affected.
Always check the water before going near it, sometimes blue-green algae isn't visible, but a lot of the time it can be seen on the surface.
If you think you have seen blue-green algae somewhere, report it so that others can be warned.
If you see a water source with dead fish in it, avoid it at all costs.